Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our first illness...

Feeling kind of puny on Sunday evening
We got back from the beach on Saturday evening, and were all three pretty tired on Sunday.  Collier didn't nap well, and so we tried to get him to bed early.  What followed was absolutely the worst night of "sleep" we've had....C woke up every 30 minutes or so screaming his head off.  The only thing that would console him was nursing.  Sometime in the middle of the night, we took his temperature (another first), and since he was running a bit of a fever, we gave him some Tylenol and got a few hours of sleep.  He was super fussy and very pitiful all day Monday, and we already had an appointment for his 4 month checkup, so we figured that the doc would say he was teething or something.  Turns out, our little guy has an ear infection.  Poor bug.  We both had lots of ear infections when we were little, and so perhaps he's inherited bad eustachian tubes from mom and dad--sorry guy.

Most pitiful face ever at the doctor's office
We picked up some amoxicillian (which, you'll be happy to know, smell exactly the same as it did when I was 5.  I opened the bottle of the "pink stuff" and it hit me..."Ahh, childhood"), and gave lots and lots of extra cuddles.  By now, he's back to his regular self, but we've learned that he is NOT a fan of the pink stuff (and spits it out very efficiently), and it is stickier than I remember.  We're just thankful that C's first illness was something relatively easy to treat, and that he's back to feeling better.  We'll head back to the doc in 10 days to re-check his ear, and have those vaccines that he didn't get to have on Monday.  Yuck. 

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