Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Daddy's Day Weekend

I don't know how many times I've said over the past three months, "I don't know how single moms do this!".  I know for a fact that I (and Collier too) would be a complete mess without Chris--he encourages me, makes me laugh, and loves sharing in this parenthood adventure.  He is about as "hands on" as a dad can be (I think he'd love to nurse Collier, if he could), and I so loved getting to spoil him a little on his first Father's Day!

Chris reads to Collier most nights before we put him to bed.  He may be dozing off, but we enjoy it too! :)

We had a pretty low-key weekend, per Chris' request.  On Saturday, we hung around the house, went out to breakfast, watched the US Open, (I got a pedicure, also per Chris' request...see, he's so thoughtful! :) and left Collier with his first "non-family" babysitter while we went to a bbq with some friends.  Collier (and mom and dad) did just great!  Thanks Leauna! :)

On Sunday, Collier woke up early to give his daddy his Father's Day gifts.  We gave him a  photo of C's sweet little feet, framed with a poem called "Following Daddy's Footsteps", and a book called "My SuperDad" (you send in a photo, and they add it to a superhero--it's precious!).  We went to church (where Collier entertained everyone with his impressive GI feats during our prayer time--thanks, bud.), and then Chris' parents came over to grill out and visit.  We had a great time!  I love seeing Chris, Collier, and Collier's Papa all playing together.  I know that Chris is such a great man because he had a great example of a loving father and husband in his own dad.  I'm beyond thrilled that Collier will be following behind such great men in our family, who seek to be fathers who are following The Father.  Thanks for being such a great dad, Chris!  We love you!! 

I love my Daddy!

Collier, Daddy, and Papa playing together

Chris got his Dad a card that had a little dancing hula girl on it (you push a button, and her hips shake and she plays a song).  Collier was obsessed with it--he'd get really still and quiet when we played it.  Hilarious!

All the Cowan Men

Daddy reading Collier his new book

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